Sunday, September 19, 2010

Me vs The Sprinklers

So there I was.....sprinklers everywhere!!

I hate the sprinklers in the cemetery! It seems like they are always on and I am at war with them! As of now the Sprinklers are 7 and I am now up to 3!!

It all started the other day as I was riding my bike to class. I was minding my own business, just thinking about everything I needed to get done for the day, when I noticed all the sprinklers. It was too late to take another path so I just thought "I can outsmart the sprinklers."

I rode up to the first one and waited for it to pass the road. As it passed I scooted on right up to the next one and started waiting patiently for it to pass the road. That's when the one I had just passed snuck up from behind me and got me wet. It was such a shock that I pushed forward on the bike peddle, and since I was so close to the sprinkler it pushed me through it.  By this time I was already pretty wet, and there were 3 more sprinklers to go. So I just said to heck with it and  peddled as fast as I could through the rest of the sprinklers and ended up sloshing into my class.

1 comment:

Joshua and Cameron said...

From you, that doesn't surprise me at all! Good luck with your sprinker war!:) (funny thing, my word verification is "Sorked") Funny maybe? I think it goes right along with your story :)