Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fern Canyon

Our second night Brian and I camped by the beach

I could sit and watch the ocean for hours

The campground was also only two miles away from where they filmed part of Jurassic Part 2.

:59 is where the compsagnathus (little dinosaurs) chase the guy through fern canyon

So after breakfast we packed up and ventured over to Fern Canyon

Entering the canyon

Becoming one with the environment

There's no escaping now

There was a little river coming down the canyon and at times it became too wide to just step over.

 Brian's crossing skills were pretty impressive! Mine need a little work. So do my navigating big tree skills...

 Brian made it seem easy

Trying not to slip

Panicking because my shoe had just come off and all Brian could do was take a picture... No help at all!

Overall, it was a beautiful day and I think this quote sums everything up

"I felt my lungs inflate with the on rush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.”

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