Monday, November 25, 2013

Ginormo Trees and Dinosaurs

Last week Brian and I took a road trip to Redwood National Park. It took about seven hours to get there but mainly because there are no big roads and no direct routes.

This is what type of roads you have to take to get there.

We finally arrived, set up camp, and promptly fell asleep. But not before putting everything in the bear box with scratch marks on it.

Our campsite

Everything there seemed bigger than normal

And greener

And Dirtier

While walking around I felt like we were on the Island where Jurassic Park took place and at any moment this guy was going to pop out of the bushes

We soon realized that my rain jacket blended in quite nicely.

So I started working on my "Raptor Sneak" Can you find me?

Stalking Prey

By the time you see me it's too late!

1 comment:

This is me! said...

Very cool! And prehistoric looking!