Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So remember a couple posts ago when I said I walked with Katlin to find her new school.....Well apparently that is my school too. I have four places that I go to for school.  I go to the Kindergarten for my 8th grade classes. That is only like half a mile away from the cabin.  I also go to Seglem which is where I am with the 10th graders and that is about 1.5 miles.  I go to the old school for arts and crafts which is right out my back door. And I also go to the community center for PE which isn't too far either.  On my busy days I probably cycle a good 6-7 miles. For some of you that's not a lot. For a lazy American like myself that's a bit. Especially when it usually takes about twenty minutes to get form one school to the other and I only have ten minutes between classes.  I have to book it!

But here is my new ride.......

 Complete with foot straps

I'm pretty sure I'm going to injure myself

But don't worry I do have a bell to warn people that I'm coming!

Next up: (Maybe) Movie of biking along the Fjord


This is me! said...

Foot straps? Maybe you will injure yourself! That's a lot of biking- you will have to be Bruce's biking buddy when you get home! :)

Anonymous said...

You will have to be a fast biker!